Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Bold Progressives

Share your ideas: How can consumers impact change this holiday season?

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Americans will spend over $10 billion this holiday season.

Can you share your thoughts on how consumers can use our dollars strategically to impact change this holiday season?

We'll share the best ideas with PCCC members (800,000 of us now!) in the near future. We'll also share them with MSNBC's Ed Schultz, a proponent of consumer activism, in case he wants to share them on TV. 

Share your ideas

Fields marked in red are required.
I intend to be socially responsible with my holiday purchases.
I'm interested in seeing more consumer activism in the marketplace.
I'm a web or mobile-app developer, interested in helping.
I own or run a small business.
I'm interested in switching from an evil phone company to a progressive one.
I'm interested in buying fun progressive-themed merchandise for the holidays.