Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Bold Progressives

Petition: AT&T Needs to Drop ALEC

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Walmart, Amazon and now Johnson & Johnson have dropped ALEC over ALEC's union-busting, voter-suppression agenda. That makes 23 corporations and foundations -- plus 45 elected Democrats -- that have dumped ALEC. 

STATEMENT: "AT&T needs to stop funding ALEC's poltical right-wing agenda that includes union-busting and voter-suppression."

We're winning our fight against ALEC with another victory as Johnson and Johnson announced it would be dropping support for the group! Just two weeks ago because of us Amazon bowed to public pressure and will no longer fund ALEC's agenda of union-busting and voter-suppression.

Yet still there are large corporations standing besides ALEC. Our next step will be to pressure AT&T to do the same. Can you sign the petition today and help pressure AT&T to drop ALEC?

Our pressure is working -- but this fight isn't over. AT&T needs to drop ALEC now. Sign the petition today, let's not lose the momentum.

Sign the petition

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