PCCC Design Positions

You can apply for a job in the PCCC Design Department in just four easy steps.

  1. Read the job descriptions and select which job(s) you are applying for.
  2. Paste your cover letter into the appropriate field.
  3. Attach your portfolio and resume.
  4. Hit Submit.
All applicants must provide cover letter, resume, and link to portfolio (or 3 .jpgs showcasing sample of best work). If you have trouble uploading files please send your materials to design-jobs@boldprogressives.org with your full name in the subject line.

Senior Designer Click to see job description

Designer Click to see job description

Design Fellow Click to see job description

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee is dedicated to the achievement of equality of opportunity for all its employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, age, national origin, or disability status.

About Us

Founded in January 2009, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) is a national grassroots organization with a mission of building progressive power. With nearly one million members, we help bold progressive candidates elected and work with them to govern progressively. MSNBC’s Ed Schultz calls the PCCC “the top progressive group in the country.” The Nation magazine awarded PCCC “Most Valuable Campaign of 2011” for our Draft Elizabeth Warren campaign. In 2014, we supported over 600 progressive candidates and campaigns across the country with our volunteers, fundraising, training program, and technology. We focus on economic populism and democracy issues -- including expanding Social Security benefits, Wall Street reform and accountability, and bold campaign finance reform.

This position is no longer open.