Let's end student debt.

Student debt is haunting hundreds of thousands of Americans, even into retirement.
Over 700,000 Americans relying on Social Security are still paying off their student loans from decades ago.
It gets worse -- thanks to Congress, 160,000 Social Security beneficiaries have their monthly checks garnished to pay off old loans.
No one deserves to have their Social Security checks garnished for old student debts.
But there's hope: leading Democratic presidential candidates have endorsed a plan that will use federal funds to encourage states to reduce the overall cost of attending public college.
Best of all, it's affordable. This program would cost less than 20 percent of what the government loses each year on tax breaks for capital gains and dividends. It's time to invest in education and make sure that future senior citizens don't see their Social Security checks disappear into student debt.
Our goal is for the entire Democratic Party to make debt-free college central to the 2016 campaign. Can you help us reach 500,000 signers and show the broad support for debt-free college?
Over 700,000 Americans relying on Social Security are still paying off their student loans from decades ago, and a quarter of them have their monthly checks garnished to pay off student debt!
But there's hope: leading Democratic presidential candidates support a plan to invest in education and make sure that future senior citizens don't see their Social Security checks disappear into student debt.
Our goal is for the entire Democratic Party to make debt-free college central to the 2016 campaign. Can you help us reach 500,000 signers and show the broad support for debt-free college?

Sign the petition:

PETITION: We the undersigned urge Hillary Clinton and all Democrats to make big ideas like debt-free college central to their 2016 campaigns.

Click here to see who has signed our letter urging members of Congress to support debt-free college!

Check out which progressive allies have sent a petition in support of debt-free college!

Sign the petition for debt-free college:

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