Progressive Change Campaign Committee Polling

Polls conducted by Public Policy Polling (PPP) on behalf of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Democracy For America, CREDO Action, and Social Security Works. More details on each poll can be found at the bottom of the page, including poll dates and sample sizes.


A proposal in Congress would increase Social Security benefits, resulting in a worker at age 75 receiving $452 more in benefits per year and a worker at age 85 receiving $807 more per year. Do you support or oppose this proposal?
Kentucky (July 19-21)*      Support 51% Oppose 24% Not sure 24%
Texas*                           Support 56% Oppose 19% Not sure 26%
Iowa*                            Support 52% Oppose 21% Not sure 27%
California-17*                  Support 59% Oppose 23% Not sure 18%
Hawaii*                          Support 55% Oppose 17% Not sure 28%
Colorado*                          Support 61% Oppose 20% Not sure 19%
Do you support or oppose the idea of increasing Social Security benefits and paying for that increase by having the wealthy pay the same rate into Social Security as everyone else?
Wisconsin-7      Support 74% Oppose 12% Not sure 13%
Pennsylvania-16                           Support 64% Oppose 19% Not sure 17%


Right now, wealthy Americans only pay Social Security taxes on the first $113,000 of their income. In order to strengthen Social Security, do you support or oppose scrapping this cap so that wealthy Americans pay the same rate on their income as ordinary Americans? 
Massachusetts-5 Support 72% Oppose 14% Not sure 14%
Kentucky (July 19-21)*  Support 62% Oppose 20% Not sure 18%
Texas                        Support 56% Oppose 21% Not sure 23%
Iowa                         Support 63% Oppose 19% Not sure 18%
California-17               Support 54% Oppose 19% Not sure 27%
Hawaii                      Support 56% Oppose 20% Not sure 24%
Colorado                          Support 61% Oppose 20% Not sure 19%
Wisconsin-7                          Support 77% Oppose 14% Not sure 10%
Pennsylvania-16                          Support 69% Oppose 18% Not sure 13%


Do you support or oppose the recent White House proposal to cut the cost-of-living adjustment for Social Security benefits, resulting in a worker at age 75 receiving $658 less in benefits per year?
Kentucky (July 19-21)*  Support 13% Oppose 74% Not sure 13%
Texas*                       Support  9% Oppose 73% Not sure 18%
Iowa*                        Support 14% Oppose 70% Not sure 16%
California-17*              Support 11% Oppose 59% Not sure 29%
Hawaii*                     Support  15% Oppose 64% Not sure 21%
Colorado*                          Support 15% Oppose 59% Not sure 26%
In order to reduce the national debt, would you support or oppose cutting spending on Social Security benefits, which is the government retirement program for the elderly?
Kentucky (July 19-21) Support 11% Oppose 79% Not sure 9% 


Currently, no Wall Street bankers have been put on trial or gone to jail for their role in the economic meltdown. Do you believe Wall Street bankers should be more fully investigated and criminally prosecuted if they broke the law?
Kentucky (July 19-21)*  Yes 86% No 7% Not sure 7%
Texas*                       Yes  88% No 8% Not sure 4%
Iowa*                        Yes 89% No 5% Not sure 6%
California-17*              Yes 88% No 5% Not sure 6%
Hawaii                     Yes  85% No 7% Not sure 8%
Colorado*                          Yes 82% No 10% Not sure 8%
Wisconsin-7                          Yes 87% No 5% Not sure 8%
Pennsylvania-16                          Yes 88% No 5% Not sure 7%
Currently, no Wall Street bankers have been put on trial or gone to jail for their role in the economic meltdown. If one candidate strongly supported investigating Wall Street bankers more fully and criminally prosecuting them if they broke the law, would it make you more or less likely to support that candidate, or would it not make a difference?
Arizona-7 More likely 65% Less likely 10% Wouldn't make a difference 17% Not sure 8%


Some in Congress are calling on the SEC to bring big banks that broke the law to trial, not just agree to out-of- court settlements with them. Do you support or oppose this proposal?
Kentucky (July 19-21)*  Support 60% Oppose 10% Not sure 29%
Texas*                       Support  66% Oppose 10% Not sure 24%
Iowa*                        Support 63% Oppose 10% Not sure 28%


Do you support or oppose breaking up financial institutions that are deemed “too big to fail,” even if that means breaking up some of the major power players on Wall Street?
Kentucky (July 19-21)*  Support 50% Oppose 20% Not sure 30%
Texas*                       Support  51% Oppose 21% Not sure 28%
Iowa*                        Support 60% Oppose 17% Not sure 22%
California-17*              Support 49% Oppose 24% Not sure 27%
Hawaii                     Support  51% Oppose 19% Not sure 31%
Colorado*                          Support 49% Oppose 22% Not sure 29%


The federal government currently lends to banks at very low interest rates. U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren has offered a plan to extend those same low interest rates to students borrowing money to pay for their college education. Do you support or oppose Senator Warren’s plan?
Kentucky (July 19-21)*  Support 54% Oppose 23% Not sure 23%
Texas*                       Support  58% Oppose 20% Not sure 21%
Iowa*                        Support 62% Oppose 17% Not sure 21%
California-17*              Support 63% Oppose 17% Not sure 19%
Hawaii*                     Support  64% Oppose 14% Not sure 21%
Colorado*                          Support 58% Oppose 21% Not sure 21%
Wisconsin-7*                          Support 62% Oppose 19% Not sure 19%
Pennsylvania-16*                          Support 62% Oppose 19% Not sure 20%


In these economic times, do you think the government should consider passing a "Full Employment Act," guaranteeing that any American who wants a job will have one -- including public works projects like repairing bridges and roads, wiring rural America with high-speed Internet, and other long-term investments in our economy?
Kentucky (July 19-21)*  Yes 56% No 22% Not sure 21%
Texas*                       Yes  52% No 30% Not sure 18%
Iowa                        Yes 56% No 26% Not sure 18%
California-17              Yes 50% No 27% Not sure 23%
Hawaii                     Yes  55% No 27% Not sure 18%
Colorado*                          Yes 45% No 31% Not sure 24%
Wisconsin-7                          Yes 50% No 29% Not sure 22%
Pennsylvania-16                          Yes 56% No 25% Not sure 19%


Do you support or oppose the national government being able to negotiate lower drug prices for Medicare and Medicaid bene¬ficiaries?
Kentucky (July 19-21)*  Support 61% Oppose 18% Not sure 21%
Texas*                       Support  57% Oppose 23% Not sure 19%
Iowa                        Support 64% Oppose 18% Not sure 18%
California-17              Support 70% Oppose 12% Not sure 18%
Hawaii                     Support  67% Oppose 11% Not sure 22%
Colorado                          Support 60% Oppose 21% Not sure 19%
Wisconsin-7                          Support 71% Oppose 11% Not sure 18%
Pennsylvania-16*                          Support 72% Oppose 13% Not sure 15%


Do you support or oppose the national government offering everyone the choice of buying into a government-administered health insurance plan -- something like the Medicare coverage that people 65 and older get -- that would compete with private health insurance plans?
Kentucky (July 19-21)*  Support 39% Oppose 40% Not sure 21%
Texas*                       Support  38% Oppose 47% Not sure 16%
Iowa                        Support 45% Oppose 38% Not sure 17%
California-17              Support 55% Oppose 24% Not sure 21%
Hawaii                     Support  51% Oppose 30% Not sure 19%
Colorado                          Support 42% Oppose 42% Not sure 16%
Wisconsin-7                          Support 52% Oppose 32% Not sure 16%
Pennsylvania-16*                          Support 44% Oppose 39% Not sure 17%


If a candidate for Congress refused to take corporate PAC or lobbyist money, would you be more or less likely to vote for them, or would it make no difference?
Wisconsin-7                          More Likely 57% Less Likely 15% No Difference 23% Not Sure 5%
Pennsylvania-16                          More Likely 62% Less Likely 13% No Difference 25% Not Sure 0%

NSA Spying and Government Intelligence

Do you believe the government should have the right to collect the phone and Internet records of millions of ordinary Americans without a specific warrant, or not?
Wisconsin-7 It should not 71% It should 16% Not sure 14%
Pennsylvania-16 It should not 74% It should 14% Not sure 12%
Do you believe Edward Snowden did the right thing or the wrong thing by revealing that the Director of National Intelligence lied to Congress about whether the government was collecting millions of phone and internet records from ordinary Americans?
Kentucky (July 19-21)* Right thing 36% Wrong thing 32% Not sure 32%
Texas* Right thing 38% Wrong thing 36% Not sure 26%
Colorado*  Right thing 36% Wrong thing 32% Not sure 32%
Edward Snowden revealed that the Director of National Intelligence lied to Congress about whether the government was collecting millions of phone and Internet records from ordinary Americans. The Director has since admitted he did not tell the truth. Do you think the Director of National Intelligence should be prosecuted for perjury?
Kentucky (July 19-21)* He should 69% He should not 16% Not sure 16%
Texas* He should 68% He should not 16% Not sure 16%
Iowa* He should 65% He should not 14% Not sure 21%
California* He should 54% He should not 14% Not sure 32%
Hawaii*  He should 57% He should not 20% Not sure 23%


If Republican Mitch McConnell supported any cuts to Social Security or Medicare benefits, including raising the retirement age or reducing cost-of-living adjustments, would you be more or less likely to support his candidacy for U.S. Senate, or would it not make a difference?
Kentucky (July 19-21)* More likely 15% Less likely 52% Wouldn't make a difference 33%
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Republican Mitch McConnell is handling his job as U.S. Senator?
Kentucky (July 19-21) Approve 40% Disapprove 51% No opinion 9%
If the general election for U.S. Senate were held today, and the choices were Republican Mitch McConnell and Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes, for whom would you vote?
Kentucky (July 19-21) Mitch McConnell 44% Alison Lundergan Grimes 45% Undecided 11%
After 30 years in the U.S. Senate, do you believe Republican Mitch McConnell deserves re-election, or not?
Kentucky (July 19-21)*  Believe he does 38%  Believe he does not 54%  Not sure 8% 


How likely are you to vote in next month’s Democratic primary election for U.S. House and other important offices? Will you definitely vote, probably vote, are the chances 50/50, or will you probably not vote?
Arizona-7 Will definitely vote 89% Will probably vote 11% Chances are 50/50 0% Will probably note vote 0%
The Democratic candidates for U.S. House are Ruben Gallego and Mary Rose Wilcox. If the election was today, who would you vote for?
Arizona-7 Ruben Gallego 41% Mary Rose Wilcox 31% Undecided 27%
(Asked only of those with a candidate choice:) Are you firmly committed to that candidate, or is there a chance you could change your mind between now and the primary?
Arizona-7 Firmly committed 70% Could change your mind 30%
If one candidate strongly supported expanding Social Security benefits, paid for by asking the wealthy to pay their fair share into the Social Security system, would that make you more or less likely to support that candidate, or would it not make a difference?
Arizona-7 More likely 55% Less likely 17% Wouldn't make a difference 20% Not sure 8%


If the primary for Congress were held today, and the candidates were Democrat Mike Honda and Democrat Ro Khanna, for whom would you vote?
California-17  Mike Honda 49%  Ro Khanna 15%  Undecided 36%
If Democrat Mike Honda campaigned on the idea of increasing Social Security benefits, would that make you more supportive or less supportive of his candidacy for Congress, or would it not make a difference?
California-17* More supportive 46% Less supportive 13% Wouldn't make a difference 35% Not sure 6%


If Republican John Cornyn supported any cuts to Social Security or Medicare benefits, including raising the retirement age or reducing cost-of-living adjustments, would you be more or less likely to support his candidacy for U.S. Senate, or would it not make a difference?
Texas*  More likely 24% Less likely 51% Wouldn't make a difference 22% Not sure 3%
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Republican John Cornyn is handling his job as U.S. Senator?
Texas  Approve 34%  Disapprove 41%  No opinion 25% 
After 12 years in the U.S. Senate, do you believe Republican John Cornyn deserves re-election, or not?
Texas*  Believe he does 39%  Believe he does not 46%  Not sure 15% 


In order to reduce the national debt, would you support or oppose cutting military spending?
New Hampshire* Support 53% Oppose 40% Not sure 7%
In order to reduce the national debt, would you support or oppose cutting waste in military spending?
Illinois* Support 73% Oppose 19% Not sure 9%
Virginia* Support 74% Oppose 19% Not sure 7%
In order to reduce the national debt, would you support or oppose ending agriculture subsidies to big agricorporations?
New Hampshire* Support 79% Oppose 12% Not sure 9%
Illinois* Support 76% Oppose 12% Not sure 12%
Virginia* Support 79% Oppose 11% Not sure 11%
In order to reduce the national debt, would you support or oppose ending subsidies to big oil companies?
New Hampshire* Support 80% Oppose 13% Not sure 8%
Illinois* Support 86% Oppose 8% Not sure 6%
Virginia* Support 76% Oppose 15% Not sure 9%
In order to reduce the national debt, would you support or oppose cutting spending on Social Security benefits, which is the retirement program for the elderly?
New Hampshire Support 13% Oppose 75% Not sure 11%
Illinois Support 16% Oppose 74% Not sure 10%
Virginia Support 23% Oppose 66% Not sure 11%
In order to reduce the national debt, would you support or oppose cutting spending on Medicare benefits, which is the government health insurance program for the elderly?
New Hampshire Support 17% Oppose 74% Not sure 8%
Illinois Support 19% Oppose 73% Not sure 8%
Virginia Support 23% Oppose 68% Not sure 9%
In order to reduce the national debt, would you support or oppose cutting spending on Medicaid benefits, which is the government health insurance program for the poor, disabled, and children?
New Hampshire Support 25% Oppose 66% Not sure 9%
Illinois Support 29% Oppose 64% Not sure 8%
Virginia Support 30% Oppose 59% Not sure 11%


Do you support or oppose criminal background checks to keep guns out of the wrong hands?
Kentucky* Support 82% Oppose 13% Not sure 5%
Do you support or oppose banning assault weapons?
Kentucky* Support 50% Oppose 42% Not sure 8%


In order to reduce the national debt, would you support or oppose raising taxes on those with incomes over $250,000 a year?
New Hampshire Support 66% Oppose 29% Not sure 5%
Illinois Support 67% Oppose 27% Not sure 6%
Virginia Support 63% Oppose 31% Not sure 6%
Personal income above $1,000,000 is taxed at 35%. To avoid cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid benefits, would you support or oppose a proposal that said personal income above $1,000,000 would be taxed at 45%, income above $20,000,000 dollars would be taxed at 47%, and income above $1,000,000,000 would be taxed at 49%?
Illinois* Support 67% Oppose 23% Not sure 10%
Virginia* Support 60% Oppose 27% Not sure 12%
Right now, personal income above $1,000,000 is taxed at 35%. To avoid cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid benefits, would you support or oppose raising taxes on personal income above $1,000,000 to 50%, which was the rate under President Reagan?
Illinois* Support 62% Oppose 27% Not sure 12%
Virginia* Support 53% Oppose 32% Not sure 15%


Which do you think more accurately reflects President Obama’s mandate in this election: reducing the debt or creating jobs?
New Hampshire* Debt 22% Jobs 49% Not sure 29%
Illinois* Debt 23% Jobs 52% Not sure 25%
Virginia* Debt 22% Jobs 46% Not sure 32%
Which do you think more accurately reflects President Obama’s mandate in this election: compromise with the Republicans or standing up for regular families -- even if that means fighting? *
New Hampshire Compromise 36% Standing up for regular families 48% Not sure 16%


In order to reduce the national debt, would you support or oppose instituting public financing of congressional elections -- to end the legalized bribery that lets campaign donors get billions of tax dollars in the form of corporate welfare?
New Hampshire* Support 49% Oppose 34% Not sure 17%
Public financing of congressional elections would only cost $1 billion and could save taxpayers as much as $100 billion from big campaign donors writing our tax laws. If one candidate strongly supported public financing of elections, would that make you more or less likely to support that candidate, or would it not make a difference?
Arizona-7 More likely 41% Less likely 23% Wouldn't make a difference 24% Not sure 12%


Do you approve or disapprove of the way Democrat Mark Warner is handling his job as US Senator?
Approve 54% Disapprove 36% No opinion 11%
If the election for Senate were held today, and the choices were Democrat Mark Warner and Republican Bob McDonnell, who would you vote for?
Mark Warner 50% Bob McDonnell 46% Undecided 4%
If Senator Mark Warner supported any cuts to Medicare and Medicaid benefits, including raising the retirement age or reducing cost of living adjustments, would that make you more or less likely to vote for him, or would it make no difference to your vote?
More likely 22% Less likely 33% Wouldn't make a difference 39% Not sure 7%


Do you approve or disapprove of the way Democrat Jeanne Shaheen is handling her job as US Senator?
Approve 51% Disapprove 36% No opinion 13%
If the election for Senate were held today, and the choices were Jeanne Shaheen and John Sununu, for whom would you vote?
Jeanne Shaheen 53% John Sununu 42% Undecided 5%
If Senator Shaheen supported any cuts to Medicare and Medicaid benefits, would that make you more or less likely to vote for her, or would it make no difference to you?
More likely 13% Less likely 46% Wouldn't make a difference 35% Not sure 7%
If Senator Shaheen led the national fight to raise taxes on the rich, would that make you more or less likely to vote for her, or would it make no difference to you?
More likely 48% Less likely 31% Wouldn't make a difference 19% Not sure 1%


In the state legislature, Katherine Clark co-sponsored a bill which would change current wiretapping laws to give police more power to listen in on private conversations of people not suspected of breaking the law or only suspected of minor offenses. Does that make you more or less likely to vote for Katherine Clark, or does it not impact who you support?
More likely    17%
Less likely    57%
No impact   24%
Not sure   2%
Poll Conducted Oct 5-6 Sample Size: 500 Likely Democratic Primary Voters. MOE 4.4%


Illinois, Nov. 30 - Dec. 2 2012 800 registered voters MOE: +/- 3.3% *MOE: +/- 4.8-5.0%
New Hampshire, Nov 14-15 2012 1,018 registered voters MOE: +/- 3.1% *MOE: +/- 4.3-4.4%
Virginia, Nov. 30 - Dec. 2 2012 877 registered voters MOE: +/- 3.5% *MOE: +/- 4.6-4.8%
Kentucky, Feb. 1-3 2013 1,375 likely voters MOE: +/- 2.6% *MOE: +/- 3.7-3.8%
Massachusetts-5, June 21-23 2013 579 likely MA-5 primary voters MOE: +/- 4.5%
Kentucky, July 19-21 2013 1,210 Kentucky voters MOE: +/- 2.8% *MOE: +/- 3.0-4.1%
Texas, July 29-30 2013 1,083 Texas voters MOE: +/- 3% *MOE: +/- 4.1%
Iowa, August 2-4 2013 964 Iowa voters MOE: +/- 3.2% *MOE: +/- 4.6%
California-17, August 2-4 2013 806 California jungle primary voters MOE: +/- 3.5% *MOE: +/- 5%
Hawaii, August 2-4 2013 807 Hawaii voters MOE: +/- 3.5% *MOE: +/- 5%
Colorado, August 19-21 2013 886 Colorado voters MOE: +/- 3.3% *MOE: +/- 4.6-4.7%
Wisconsin-7, December 6-8 2013 1,736 WI-7 voters MOE: +/- 2.4% *MOE: +/- 3.3-3.4%
Pennsylvania-16, January 8-9 2014 817 PA-17 voters MOE: +/- 3.4% *MOE: +/- 5%
Arizona-7, July 22-24 2014 500 likely AZ-7 voters MOE: +/- 4.4%

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