MN voters say Rep. Bachmann is an embarrassment

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    The Research 2000 Minnesota Poll was conducted for the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Democracy for America, and Credo Action from January 31 through February 1, 2010. A total of 600 likely general election voters in 2010 were interviewed statewide by telephone. The margin of error is 4%.

    Those interviewed were selected by the random variation of the last four digits of telephone numbers. A cross-section of exchanges was utilized in order to ensure an accurate reflection of the state. Quotas were assigned to reflect the voter registration of distribution by county.

    (Research 2000 also does polling for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Lexington Herald-Leader, Fort Wayne News Sentinel, South Bend Tribune, and Reno Gazette-Journal, and dozens of other media outlets.)


    Men 287(48%)
    Women 313(52%)
    Democrats 235(39%)
    Republicans 190(32%)
    Independents/Other 175(29%)
    White 565(94%)
    Other 35(6%)
    Obama Voters 312(52%)
    QUESTION: Do you think Congresswoman Michele Bachmann does Minnesota proud in Congress or embarrasses Minnesota?
    ALL 56% 29% 15%
    MEN 54% 30% 16%
    WOMEN 58% 28% 14%
    DEMOCRATS 87% 8% 5%
    REPUBLICANS 12% 58% 30%
    INDEPENDENTS 62% 26% 12%
    WHITE 55% 30% 15%
    OTHER 80% 8% 12%
    OBAMA VOTERS 73% 9% 18%
    DISTRICT 1 55% 29% 16%
    DISTRICT 2 51% 31% 18%
    DISTRICT 3 57% 27% 16%
    DISTRICT 4 66% 19% 15%
    DISTRICT 5 70% 15% 15%
    DISTRICT 6 39% 47% 14%
    DISTRICT 7 40% 45% 15%
    DISTRICT 8 69% 17% 14%