Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Bold Progressives

UC Faculty support peaceful students - Join in solidarity

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Statement by the University of California Faculty Association -- sign in solidarity on the right. (Professors sign here. Students sign here.)

This week, we have seen excessive force used against non-violent protesters at UC Berkeley, UCLA, CSU Long Beach, and UC Davis...We demand that the Chancellors of the University of California cease using police violence to repress non-violent political protests...

We call for greater attention to the substantive issues that motivate the protests regarding the privatization of education. With massive cuts in state funding and rising tuition costs...public education is undergoing a severe divestment. Student debt has reached unprecedented levels as bank profits swell. 

The Board of the Council of UC Faculty Associations

Please sign in solidarity on the right -- and then tell your friends.

We'll tell the reporters covering this story about the progress of this solidarity so it's reflected in news coverage.

(Read the full statement here. The main portion is excerpted above.)

Be a citizen signer of the statement:

Fields marked in red are required.
first name last name email address zip

52,665 people have taken action — 87% of our goal of 60,000!