Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Bold Progressives

Conservative Elizabeth Esty: TOP FIVE THINGS TO KNOW

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As voters prepare to vote in the August 14th congressional primary in Connecticut's 5th district, they deserve to know the facts about conservative Elizabeth Esty.


  1. Elizabeth Esty led conservative Democrats who tried to kill a progressive budget. While Chris Donovan was fighting for a progressive state budget, Esty led a renegade faction of conservative Democrats who worked with Republicans to oppose it. (Fortunately, Donovan won.)
  2. Elizabeth Esty opposed Chris Donovan when he passed Connecticut's first millionaire's tax. Instead of asking the rich to pay their fair share, Esty offered a conservative budget that had lower tax rates for millionaires, cuts to middle-class programs, and would have added $631 million to the state deficit.
  3. Elizabeth Esty proposed cuts to higher education and health care. Esty's conservative budget cut funding for Connecticut higher education by $54 million. It cut Medicaid and Husky Health funding by $146 million.
  4. Elizabeth Esty would have helped millionaires today, and passed the bill to Connecticut's children tomorrow. Esty's conservative budget would give millionaires lower taxes, paid for by deficit spending that Connecticut's children would be forced to pay tomorrow.
  5. Elizabeth Esty is the 1% and is trying to buy this election. After supporting lower taxes for millionaires, Elizabeth Esty just gave her campaign $500,000. She is trying to buy this election for the 1%.

There is a better choice -- bold progressive Chris Donovan.

Sign up on the right to become a citizen endorser and stand with Chris.
