CA-25 Polling

Poll conducted for the Progressive Change Campaign Committee by Public Policy Polling, 283 registered voters in CA-45 surveyed Feb. 14-15, 2018. MOE +/-5.8%. Donate to support our polling here.

Q. Do you approve or disapprove of President Donald Trump’s job performance?
Approve 42%
Disapprove 54%
Not sure 3%

Q. If the general election for Congress were held today, and the candidates were Democrat Katie Hill and Republican Steve Knight, who would you be more likely to vote for?
Katie Hill 50%
Steve Knight 40%
Not sure 10%

Q. Which party do you believe stands more on the side of working people, Democrats or Republicans?
Democrats 51%
Republicans 40%
Not sure 9%

Now I'm going to ask you about some proposals being offered by candidates for Congress. After each, please tell me if you support or oppose it. Here’s the first one:

Q. Increase Social Security benefits and pay for that increase by having the wealthy pay the same rate into Social Security as everyone else.
Support 63%
Oppose 19%
Not sure 17%

Q. Allow the government to negotiate lower drug prices for Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries, which could save over a hundred billion dollars per year for taxpayers and seniors.
Support 77%
Oppose 8%
Not sure 15%

Q. Invest a trillion dollars to create millions of new good-paying jobs by investing in our roads, bridges, schools, clean water, and jobs of the future like solar and broadband.
Support 68%
Oppose 15%
Not sure 18%

Q. Enact a national health plan in which all Americans would get their insurance through an expanded, universal form of Medicare.
Support 44%
Oppose 34%
Not sure 23%

Q. Give all Americans the choice of buying health insurance through Medicare or private insurers, which would provide competition for insurance companies and more options for consumers.
Support 59%
Oppose 20%
Not sure 21%

Q. Create a publicly-owned not-for-profit pharmaceutical company to compete against private drug companies, to create more competition in the marketplace and stop big drug companies from jacking up prices for our seniors.
Support 66%
Oppose 18%
Not sure 16%

Q. Provide federal financial assistance to states to make public colleges and universities more affordable, so that all students have access to debt-free college education in America.
Support 59%
Oppose 28%
Not sure 14%

Q. Save billions of dollars reversing tax cuts for the rich and eliminating tax loopholes for large corporations, and use that money to make long-term investments in rebuilding our roads, bridges, and schools.
Support 64%
Oppose 23%
Not sure 12%

Q. Overturn the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision and pass other laws to curb the influence of big-money in our politics.
Support 51%
Oppose 20%
Not sure 29%

Q. Protect Net Neutrality, the rule that protects equal access to the Internet, so that your phone or cable company cannot pick which websites work fast or slowly on your computer based on which company pays them the most money.
Support 72%
Oppose 15%
Not sure 13%

Q. Enact strong consumer protections so families are not ripped off or thrown into debt by the fine print used by credit card companies, big banks, and predatory lenders.
Support 69%
Oppose 13%
Not sure 18%

Q. Fully investigate the Wall Street bankers who caused the financial meltdown, and if they broke the law, prosecute and jail them.
Support 79%
Oppose 13%
Not sure 8%

Q. Fully investigate Russia's involvement in the 2016 presidential election, and if any Americans broke the law, prosecute and jail them.
Support 75%
Oppose 18%
Not sure 7%

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