PETITION: No Wall Street Giveaway! We need a progressive plan that creates MILLIONS OF JOBS!

The Millions of Jobs Coalition is calling for a big public investment in roads, bridges, and 21st century infrastructure like clean energy, a modern power transmission system, and high-speed rail. This plan must be paid for by making the fossil fuel industry, Wall Street, giant corporations, and the rich pay their fair share.

Trump's plan to give public roads and highways to big corporations that'll jack up tolls and fees on everyday people is an old idea that's never worked -- except to make profits for Wall Street and rich investors.

Sign the petition to Democrats in Congress on this page:

Every Democratic member of Congress should oppose Trump's corporate giveaway and support creating millions of jobs through huge public investment in roads, bridges, schools, and 21st century projects.

Signatures on this petition will show big public energy for Dems to unite around a real vision for creating millions of jobs through public investments in infrastructure -- not for cutting a bad deal with Trump.

Sign the petition:

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