SIGN THE PETITION: Urge Hillary Clinton and others to EXPAND Social Security benefits.

Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley have called for Social Security expansion. Hillary Clinton, Lincoln Chafee, and Jim Webb have not.

Sign our petition on this page so that ALL Democratic presidential candidates endorse Social Security expansion.


To win in 2016, Democrats must unite around big, bold, economic populist ideas. Hillary Clinton, Jim Webb, and Lincoln Chafee should join Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley in supporting expanding Social Security benefits - and never cutting them.

We'll hand-deliver this petition at media events in key early primary states.

Click here for a list or allies we work with to expand Social Security benefits.

Sign the petition:

Sign your name below

    Not ? Click here.

    If expanding Social Security benefits would help you or a loved one, tell us how. (Your statement may be made public.)

    Would you donate $3 toward our organizing to urge 2016 presidential candidates to expand Social Security benefits?