Poll conducted by Public Policy Polling (PPP) between July 22-24 on behalf of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee. (MOE +/- 4.4%, Sample 500 likely voters)
Arizona 7th Congressional District Survey Results
How likely are you to vote in next month’s Democratic primary election for U.S. House and other important offices? Will you definitely vote, probably vote, are the chances 50/50, or will you probably not vote?
Will definitely vote 89% |
Will probably vote 11% |
Chances are 50/50 0% |
Will probably note vote 0% |
The Democratic candidates for U.S. House are Ruben Gallego and Mary Rose Wilcox. If the election was today, who would you vote for?
Ruben Gallego 41% |
Mary Rose Wilcox 31% |
Undecided 27% |
(Asked only of those with a candidate choice:) Are you firmly committed to that candidate, or is there a chance you could change your mind between now and the primary?
Firmly committed 70% |
Could change your mind 30% |
If one candidate strongly supported expanding Social Security benefits, paid for by asking the wealthy to pay their fair share into the Social Security system, would that make you more or less likely to support that candidate, or would it not make a difference?
More likely 55% |
Less likely 17% |
Wouldn't make a difference 20% |
Not sure 8% |
Currently, no Wall Street bankers have been put on trial or gone to jail for their role in the economic meltdown. If one candidate strongly supported investigating Wall Street bankers more fully and criminally prosecuting them if they broke the law, would it make you more or less likely to support that candidate, or would it not make a difference?
More likely 65% |
Less likely 10% |
Wouldn't make a difference 17% |
Not sure 8% |
Public financing of congressional elections would only cost $1 billion and could save taxpayers as much as $100 billion from big campaign donors writing our tax laws. If one candidate strongly supported public financing of elections, would that make you more or less likely to support that candidate, or would it not make a difference?
More likely 41% |
Less likely 23% |
Wouldn't make a difference 24% |
Not sure 12% |
Would you call your political views progressive, moderate or conservative?
Progressive 36% |
Moderate 44% |
Conservative 20% |
If you are a woman, press 1. If a man, press 2.
If you are Hispanic, press 1. If white, press 2. If African-American, press 3. If other, press 4.
Hispanic 52% |
White 22% |
African-American 16% |
Other 10% |
If you are 18 to 29 years old, press 1. If 30 to 45, press 2. If 46 to 65, press 3. If you are older than 65, press 4.
18 to 29 12% |
30 to 45 16% |
46 to 60 43% |
Older than 65 29% |
Thank you for being a Bold Progressive!