SURVEY: What do you think about the Democratic candidates now?

As the 2016 presidential race unfolds, we're keeping our finger on the pulse of how progressives think candidates are doing.

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Responses to these surveys help us plan our next steps and track changes over time.

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    Nancy Pelosi was asked this week about Elizabeth Warren criticizing the administration for being soft on Wall Street. She replied, "That is not the consensus in our party... the financial industry certainly doesn't agree with that."

    Which of the following do you think Democrats should adopt as "consensus positions?" (Check all that apply.)

    What do you think of each candidacy so far?
    Hillary Clinton Bernie Sanders Martin O'Malley Lincoln Chafee
    Optional: Why? Optional: Why? Optional: Why? Optional: Why?
    Hillary Clinton Bernie Sanders Martin O'Malley Lincoln Chafee

      1 2 3 4 5
    National goal of debt-free college   
    Trade fairness   
    Social issues like choice and LGBT equality   
    Foreign policy issues   
    Investment in infrastructure jobs   
    Expanding Social Security benefits   
    Campaign finance reform   
    Wall Street reform   
    Climate change / green-energy jobs   
    Civil Liberties   

    Would you donate $3 toward our organizing to move big bold ideas to the center of the 2016 presidential race?

    Would you donate $3 toward our organizing to move big Elizabeth Warren-style ideas to the center of the 2016 presidential race?