Support a Citizens Equality Act of 2017.

Watch Harvard Professor Lawrence Lessig's ground-breaking speech about the Citizens Equality Act.

(You can also watch after you sign.)

Harvard Professor Lawrence Lessig has merged Elizabeth Warren's core idea that "the system is rigged" with the #BlackLivesMatter fight for equality and the issue of campaign finance reform.

Progressive candidates across the country are sending the result -- a call for a Citizens Equality Act in 2017 -- to their supporters, talking about it in their campaigns, and working with us to build momentum for this idea from the ground up.

Watch the video and join candidates across the the nation calling for a bottom-up revolution of our campaign finance laws and voting rights. 


Passage of a Citizens Equality Act should be the first order of business after the new Congress is seated and the new president is inaugurated in 2017.

A Citizens Equality Act would provide for:

1) Equal freedom to vote. Strike down often-racist voter ID laws and allow all Americans to vote freely.

2) Equal representation. End the crazy gerrymandering that let's politicians pick their own districts and makes elections non-competitive.

3) Citizen funding of elections. Reduce big-money influence with public matching funds that makes a $100 donation from a teacher just as valuable as a $700 donation from a lobbyist.

SHOWN: Harvard Professor Lawrence Lessig and progressive candidates from across the country who support a Citizens Equality Act.
Rebecca Abraham, DNC Delegate (IL) Bianca Acebron Peco, State Representative (NH)
Mary Ellen Balchunis, US House (PA-07) Angelique Bartholomew, State Representative (TX)
Mozella Bell, Parish Council (Natchitoches Par, LA) Daniel Blackman, Future Candidate
Renee Boston-Hill, State Rep. (NC) Laura Brazak, County Legislator (Oswego, NY)
Maria Chappelle-Nadal, State Senator (MO) Meg Cox, Campaign Manager
Tony DelGiorno, US House (IL-13) Laquitta DeMerchant, State Senate (TX)
Tim Denson, Cnty Commission (Clarke Co., GA) Dawn Ellis, State Senate (VT)
Omar Fateh, School Board (Fairfax Cnty, VA) Thomas Fiegen, US Senate (IA)
Scot Gallaher, US House (TX-10) Bob Gibeling, State Assembly (GA)
Kyle Horton, Future Candidate Tom Hucker, County Council (Montgomery Cnty, MD)
Dan Jameyson, City Council (Concord, CA) Tamara Johnson Shealey, State Senate (GA)
Movita Johnson-Harrell, State Rep. (PA) Farrah Khan, City Council (Irvine, CA)
Eric Kingson, US House (NY-24) Dorothy Krause, County Board & Alder (Fitchburg, WI)
Anil Kumar, US House (MI-11) Elisabeth Lamar, School Board (Oxnard, CA)
Chris Larson, State Senate (WI) Brenda Lopez Romero, State Assembly (GA)
Jenn Lynch, Future Candidate James Manning, State Representative (OR)
Tamika Mapp, State Assembly (NY) Richard Mathews, State Senate (CA)
Mike McCarthy, State Representative (VT) Teresa Meyer, State Representative (IA)
Jon Neiderbach, State Representative (IA) Dominique Nikki Jackson, State Representative (CO)
Michael Noland, US House (IL-08) Ilhan Omar, State Representative (MN)
Neil Osborne, City Council (Medford, MA) Darrell Park, State Senate (CA)
Christine Parker-Spitzer, City Council (NYC) Harish Patel, State Representative (IL)
Clara Puerta, City Council (Doraville, GA) Melissa Sargent, State Representative (WI)
Don Sauve, State Representative (MN) Jay Saxon, State Representative (IA)
Bob Schlehuber, Future Candidate Renitta Shannon, State Representative (GA)
Justin Sindall, City Council (Baltimore, MD) Matthew Snyder, US Senate (LA)
John Snyder, State Assembly (GA) Gale Taylor, State Representative (NH)
Ted Terry, Mayor (Clarkston, GA) Heidi Vierthaler, Civil Defense Council (NH)
Paul Wehrmann, US House (TX-30) Trayon White, City Council (Washington, DC)
Cindy Winckler, State Representative (IA)

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